Equatoria Suite

A series of small panel pieces, inspired by postage stamp art of fruit, sign painting from hot zones, and early 20th century British printmaking.

Click on a thumbnail to jump to larger image with details, or scroll down.

  Five Plums

Five Loquats

Nasturtium Leaves

  Five Plums Five Loquats Nasturtium Leaves  
  Three Mangoes

Three Mangosteens

Two Brazil Nuts

  Three Mangoes Three Mangosteens Two Brazil Nuts  
  Five Plums

found-paper collage & acrylic on panel

10" x 10"

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Five Plums
  Five Loquats

acrylic on panel

10" x 10"
private collection -- Seattle

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Five Loquats
  Nasturtium Leaves

found-paper collage & acrylic on panel

10" x 10"
private collection -- Seattle

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Nasturtium Leaves
  Three Mangoes

found-paper collage & acrylic on panel

10" x 10"

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Three Mangoes
  Three Mangosteens

found-paper collage & acrylic on panel

10" x 10"

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Three Mangosteens
  Two Brazil Nuts

found-paper collage & acrylic on panel

10" x 10"
private collection -- Seattle

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Two Brazil Nuts