Bokblomma series

In 2015 during a visit to Port Townsend, I found an old book in an antique shop - a Swedish science primer for students, published in 1898 - which had bizarre botanical diagrams the like I had not seen before. The images intrigued me and percolated for a while in my sketchbook, ruminations of works-yet-to-be. Beginning in the summer of 2020 and throughout the rest of the year, I was inspired to create this body of work as a fun exercise to relieve pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, an explorative stylistic cul-de-sac of wherever the work led me. In this series I have appropriated the found images from the Swedish textbook and seated each one in its own polka-dotted color-world. I like to think of them as a sort of fever-dream garden from the year nobody will soon forget.
Click on the panel desired for close-up viewing and artwork information.                                                    Back to Main Menu

  Bokblomma Installation View Bokblomma Nr. 10 Bokblomma Nr. 14 Bokblomma Nr. 18 Bokblomma Nr. 8 Bokblomma Nr. 12 Bokblomma Nr. 4 Bokblomma Nr. 6 Bokblomma Nr. 13 Bokblomma Nr. 15 Bokblomma Nr. 16 Bokblomma Nr. 11 Bokblomma Nr. 3 Bokblomma Nr. 7 Bokblomma Nr. 2 Bokblomma Nr. 1 Bokblomma Nr. 9 Bokblomma Nr. 5 Bokblomma Nr. 17

  Bokblomma Nr. 1

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
16" x 12"
private collection -- Seattle

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Bokblomma Nr. 1
  Bokblomma Nr. 2

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
16" x 12"
private collection -- Crescent City, CA

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Bokblomma Nr. 2
  Bokblomma Nr. 3

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
16" x 12"
private collection -- Seattle

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Bokblomma Nr. 3
  Bokblomma Nr. 4

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
10" x 10"

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Bokblomma Nr. 4
  Bokblomma Nr. 5

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
10" x 10"
private collection -- Seattle

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Bokblomma Nr. 5
  Bokblomma Nr. 6

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
11" x 14"

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Bokblomma Nr. 6
  Bokblomma Nr. 7

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
14" x 11"

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Bokblomma Nr. 7
  Bokblomma Nr. 8

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
10" x 10"
private collection -- Seattle

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Bokblomma Nr. 8
  Bokblomma Nr. 9

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
16" x 12"

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Bokblomma Nr. 9
  Bokblomma Nr. 10

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
16" x 12"

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Bokblomma Nr. 10
  Bokblomma Nr. 11

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
18" x 12"
private collection -- Minneapolis

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Bokblomma Nr. 11
  Bokblomma Nr. 12

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
10" x 22"

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Bokblomma Nr. 12
  Bokblomma Nr. 13

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
16" x 12"

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Bokblomma Nr. 13
  Bokblomma Nr. 14

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
18" x 12"

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Bokblomma Nr. 14
  Bokblomma Nr. 15

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
22" x 10"
private collection -- Door County, WI

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Bokblomma Nr. 15
  Bokblomma Nr. 16

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
18" x 12"
private collection -- Door County, WI

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Bokblomma Nr. 16
  Bokblomma Nr. 17

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
22" x 10"
private collection -- Door County, WI

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Bokblomma Nr. 17
  Bokblomma Nr. 18

acrylic, charcoal & found-paper collage on wood panel
22" x 10"
private collection -- San Francisco

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Bokblomma Nr. 18